Neo4j website pages about network management


I've found a web page while searching for networking graphs: network
And also this one: network-management
I don't understand where they come from. The subject seems the same. Are they part of a tutorial?

Thanks a lot.


Hi, Melvin! These are guides that are meant to be run in Neo4j Browser as tutorials with example code and queries.

How did you come across the links? Did the pages turn up in a Google search or did you find them another way? Definitely want to make sure people find these through Neo4j browser, but they aren't meant to be viewed in a webpage format.


Hello Jennifer,

I found them with a web browser search.
I don't see them in the Neo4j browser. It's a "play: network" command?


You should be able to use the URL directly in the Neo4j browser with the ":play" command. I've included the commands that work for me in the Browser. *Note: if you have any privacy blockers for your browser, you may need to disable for this page. :slight_smile: Let me know if you have any trouble with these!



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