How to create an account

Welcome! We're glad that you'd like to join in the Neo4j community discussions.

First, you'll have to create an account. Here are the steps:

  1. Click the "Login in" button in the top bar
  2. Switch to the "Sign Up" tab on the wizard that pops up
  3. Use a social sign in option, or create an account using email.
  4. If you've elected to use social sign-in, you should be ready to go!
  5. If you've created an account using email, look for an account verification email from . Click the provided link to verify your account.
  6. Now that you're logged in, look for the "New Topic" button on the homepage.

Cheers from all of us here!


I have an account.....I cannot post a question?


Hi Ernie,

After logging in, there should be a "New Topic" button available on most pages as part of a toolbar that looks like this...

  1. Click the "New Topic" button
  2. Add a title for your question
  3. Optionally select a category and tags
  4. Enter your question.

We also have a guideline on How to Ask a Good Question (TIPS)

Hope that helps.


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Hello, I am new here. I need a little assistance. I have created my account. Could you please guide me on how to install and use neo4j? there are a lot of variations... I am confused with them.

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I logged in using oauth I cannot see where's the button to create a new questions... :confused:

I click "ask a question" on top bar and redirected to this very post ?

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Great catch. Account creation is the first step to being able to ask a question, but this post misses the final step of actually creating a new post. I'll add that.


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Your docker command doesn't work for the official image

docker run --publish=7474:7474 --publish=7687:7687 --volume=$HOME/neo4j/data:/data neo4j

docker: Error response from daemon: create $HOME/neo4j/data: "$HOME/neo4j/data" includes invalid characters for a local volume name, only "[a-zA-Z0-9][a-zA-Z0-9_.-]" are allowed. If you intended to pass a host directory, use absolute path.
See 'docker run --help'.

I imaging the colon in the volume path is the illegal character.

Hello, till now i didn't have feedback conserning my Request information about Neo4j AuraDS Enterprise for pricing. My request has been send 12/09/2023. Pls inform me, when can i receive feedback conserning my Request?*umd406*_ga*NTczNzg4MTU1LjE2ODQzMTEzMDI.*_ga_DL38Q8KGQC*MTY5NDY3NjU2Ny4yNS4wLjE2OTQ2NzY1NjcuNjAuMC4w&_ga=2.268011470.1109008366.1694676568-573788155.1684311302

Hey we are using neo4j enterprise of version 5.6.0 and apoc-core of version 5.6.0, and trying to use
apoc.export.cypher.schema() but in response we are getting cypher queries which are used to create constraints for unique value only , we are not getting in response constraints for NOT NULL type .
Butr cypher queries show indexes and show constraints working fine ,can any one pls help

For Dockerized Neo4j, are there any plug-ins or extensions baked into the base image (5.12.0)? Or do these need to be added separately into the deployment? It appears that these need to be added in manually upon the deployment of the container.


Does Plugins - Operations Manual address your concern?

Also it might help in the future to post a new question as this post appears to be about creating an account which appears to be far different than docker/neo4j and plugins

My mistake! The menu at the top directed me here when I clicked "Ask a Question." I will make a new topic if and when I ask more questions. And yes, I believe that does answer my question. If no plugins are explicitly loaded when deploying the container, they will not be present in the image running Neo4j. I was only double-checking!

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Wow anyone else trying to press the login button picture before realizing it’s in the corner? Nah that’s gotta be just me

Unable to restart the DBMS if I add the below:


You might want to start a new post rather than append to a post not related to the issue you are encountering.

If you so start a new post here, we would want to know
a. Neo4j version
b. is there any detail in logs\neo4j.log which describes the error in detail