Cannot send any request from my Spring Boot running in Dockewith the usage of Neo4j in the Postman


I have a problem about sending any request from Postman in my Spring Boot with the usage of Neo4j.

There is no problem when I run it in localhost as I defined server.port in the file.

When I try to send any request localhost:7474 , I get an authentication error.

Even if I defined username and password (neo4j:123456 defined in docker-compose.yml), I get 404 error.

How can I fix it?

Here is my repository : Link

I have a spring boot application running locally that communicates with a neo4j running locally (in Docker and desktop). I was able to get my spring boot application to see neo4j with the following url instead of localhost:7687


if you want to connect to neo4j’s http server instead, use port 7474.

Hello, Postman works with the HTTP API that is exposed on 7474.

Your Spring Boot application most likely works with the Neo4j Java driver, which communicates with the Bolt server listening on port 7687 by default. This is likely why you see such an error.