Negation of Single Node

The query below -

MATCH (p:Person)-[:WROTE]->(m:Movie)
WHERE NOT exists( (p)-[:DIRECTED]->() )
RETURN, m.title

reads as such, correct?
"Match all people who wrote a movie who did not direct ANY movie"

It does not read as the following:
"Match all people who wrote a movie who did not direct THAT movie"

for it to be "that" movie, the query would have to include the following:
NOT exists( (p)-[:DIRECTED]->(m) )

Additionally, the following:

MATCH (gene:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)<-[:ACTED_IN]-(other:Person)
WHERE 'Gene Hackman'
AND exists( (other)-[:DIRECTED]->() )
RETURN gene, other, m

Reads as -
"find Gene Hackman and ANY movie that he acted in
with another person who also directed ANY movie"

And NOT as -
"find Gene Hackman and THE movies that he acted in
with another person who also directed THE movie"


Yes, all your assumptions here are correct. Note that in your WHERE clause the exists() function isn't really needed, it's enough to do WHERE <pattern> or WHERE NOT <pattern>