Import GraphML

I am trying to import a graphml file into Neo4j, but I got the error.

I have already copy the file into the import folder, but I still have this problem.

Anyone can help? Thanks in advance.

Can you paste the full error message? And can you share the query that you ran as well

Thanks a lot for your quick response.

So, these are the things I have done.

  1. I put these in the settings of the database
    I put this into note "#dbms.directories.import=import"
  2. the query I ran is
    "CALL apoc.import.graphml('systemic_evolution.graphml', {readLabels: true})"
  3. the error message is
    Failed to invoke procedure apoc.import.graphml: Caused by: /systemic_evolution.graphml (No such file or directory)

Can you try this:

CALL apoc.import.graphml('file:///systemic_evolution.graphml', {readLabels: true})"

Thanks for your response. I have tried. There is still this error term:

Failed to invoke procedure apoc.import.graphml: Caused by: /systemic_evolution.graphml (No such file or directory)

So this time the query I used is
CALL apoc.import.graphml("file://systemic_evolution.graphml", {readLabels: true})

the error I got is
Failed to invoke procedure apoc.import.graphml: Caused by: java.lang.NullPointerException

Can you share the graphml file that you're trying to import? It sounds like there's a bug in the procedure that we need to fix

The graphml file used in the reference documentation works for me -