Error while loading data in Neo4j (Python Driver)

I tried to create the Nodes for Instruments/Books and Dependencies separately but its getting 'stuck' when the number of nodes created is large within one transaction.

Total Instruments [141154]

Basically, we begin_transaction, loop in the instruments and fire:"CREATE (:Instrument {instrId:{instrId}, instrPath:{instrPath}})", instrId=instrId,instrPath=instrPath)

it takes 19.697 seconds for loop to execute but when tx.commit() is called - the process just hangs. No log movement at on server side as well.

Last Server side logs were:

2019-05-16 14:37:33.729+0000 WARN [o.n.b.r.BoltConnectionReadLimiter] Channel [/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54413]: consumed messages on the worker queue below 100, auto-read is being enabled.
2019-05-16 14:37:34.097+0000 WARN [o.n.b.r.BoltConnectionReadLimiter] Channel [/0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1:54413]: client produced 301 messages on the worker queue, auto-read is being disabled.